Class and sophistication. How often have you heard that you cannot buy them and must be born this way?
Well, I disagree. Cultivating how to be a classy and sophisticated woman is a characteristic that any lady should acquire or refine.
Let’s go back to the definitions: to be classy, one must embody and personify elegance, etiquette, and grace. Being sophisticated means a little step forward: being intelligent, knowledgeable enough to appreciate culture and the arts, and worldly, wise in the ways of the world. 
Being sophisticated doesn’t mean that you show the world how “cool” and graceful you are. Your mind and character will acquire strength and confidence, and you will become a better person, socially and professionally. Being refined is not appearance but it’s a state of mind. This little exercise on yourself starts a virtuous circle, and you will be intrigued by your potential. Think of yourself as a bud that can blossom into a magnificent flower!
So, I will start my “lessons in sophistication” very soon and continue with the etiquette tips, of course, because you like them so much! Stay tuned! 

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