With a bit of effort, your master bathroom can feel like a spa retreat. Regardless of the bathroom’s size or style, small, thoughtful touches can transform the space. Whenever I’m decorating a bathroom vanity, I always begin by choosing my layers. Similar to displays I’ve arranged for coffee tables or kitchen countertops, I always like to rest items together on top of a tray or in a shallow basket. This helps to define the space and draw attention to the vignette.

Once the foundational decor is chosen (I’ve decided to use a beautiful marble tray!), I begin to determine how to marry the essential with the non-essential. For example, displaying beautiful canisters and jars filled with self-care items like q-tips, cotton balls, and facial pads, provides access to the bathroom necessities you use everyday but also creates a style-focused presentation. As a result, everyday items transform into something special and worth displaying.

Around the essentials, I like to include additional spa touches: a scented candle, white hand towels, a glass dome cloche filled with orchids, and touches of glistening gold throughout. A vignette like this one not only visually transforms a bathroom but also changes how one feels while in the space—relaxed, rejuvenated, refreshed, as if you’ve just visited the spa.