Have you ever thought of using a vignette on your kitchen counter? A vignette is a design approach where one intentionally groups items together for decorative effect. Most commonly used on coffee tables, bookshelves, tablescapes, and more, it might be surprising to think of incorporating a vignette into the kitchen. But you know what? It’s the perfect place. A vignette can dramatically transform the mood of your kitchen or mirror the warm energy and intimacy that loved ones bring into the space: the excitement of a delicious meal cooking in the oven; the early morning embrace before departing to work or school.
Though a vignette can be incorporated into the kitchen year round, I especially love to create them during holidays or special occasions. In this video, I created an Easter/Spring vignette and aesthetic, grouping items that enhance light and reflect Easter’s most common tropes: blossoming flowers, delicious chocolate, pink and white decor. Quite simple, right? But the effect is quite transformative. This vignette can create conversation, invite loved ones to the kitchen for a special treat, or simply bring a smile to the face of anyone who passes by. This vignette brings the freshness of new creation into a space where we witness some of life’s most memorable moments. The vignette frames these moments in our mind, intensifying our experiences.