There are a few “rules” you can follow to create the perfect organic Mediterranean corner in your kitchen. Here is a simple design tip: play with the heights of your decor pieces, just as you do with color and texture. Everything I have placed on top of the lazy susan varies in height, which naturally draws the eye to take in the details of the decor. If you find that some of your pieces are too close in size, you can always prop them on top of other decor, like I’ve done with the marble coasters. The effect of this design is energetic movement. Your kitchen decor breathes new life, becoming as visually beautiful as it is practical.

Yes, design can be practical too! Everything I have included on top of the lazy susan serves an ergonomic purpose. It’s always good to have fragrant spices, salt and pepper, and good olive oil on hand, especially right next to the stove. I also included a mortar for crushing herbs like the fresh basil in the background, as well as fresh lemons for a pop of color or a splash of flavor. This design is alive with color, texture, and diverse dimensions but also with purpose. This lazy susan is something that you enjoy every day spent in the kitchen.